
Spore game rolling static
Spore game rolling static

spore game rolling static

I then made my hit and run roll only to roll a 6, so I didnt do it.sigh. His 3 Juggernaughts killed my one Mawloc (so, 12 attacks, hitting on 3's, wounding on 5's which should of done 3 wounds did something like 7) and I did manage to end the turn on my second Mawloc with exactly one wound left. Really, when I look at it I am thinking that both mawlocs will live with maybe 1 or 2 wounds. All he had to assault me was 1 demon prince, 1 khorne herald on a chariot and 3 Juggernaughts. I had 2 chances to win the game IF he assaulted my two Mawlocs who were about 8" from his objective. For example, on the turn my Tervigon and 30 gaunts charged his unit of 6 Juggernaughts he managed to only fail two or 3 saving throws on 15 or so wounds.

spore game rolling static

He also also made saving thoughs like a man possessed. Basically he just had too much ultra tough stuff with a good saving through that used would allocation. If it was a kill point mission he would of slaughtered me. Overall my army did almost nothing to his. My Hormgaunts just mangled everything they hit, which was nice If I had committed just a little bit more troops to it and he didnt charge me with his great unclean one I think I would of done it. My Tervigon and Termagants almost killing his 300pts unit of Juggernaughts of Khorne in hand to hand. Basically after about the 3rd turn I was just playing for a draw with the hopes that my Mawlocs would win the game by coming up on turn 5 to contest his objective. One thing I wasnt counting on is that almost every unit in his army either was T5, 3+/5+ (like 9 Juggernaughts of Khorne), T5 5+ save, FNP (plague bearers), a greater demon/demon prince or chariot. This game was against a Demon Player.and I won't lie, when I heard that my brain went "woooooot!!!" as it is an army with very little shooty, smaller numbers then me, it HAS to come towards me and basically lands near me and does nothing for a turn. I was using a bunch of stuff I have never used before (Tyrant Guard, Tervigon, 2nd Mawloc, etc.) so I figured it would be interesting to see how the old list does :)ġst Game - Capture and Control vs. Pretty much just a goofy monster mash list. Tervigon - Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines, Catalyst Hive Tyrant - Scything Talons, Bonesword, Lashwhip, Armored Shell (aka 2+ save), Hive Commander I have played exactly one game of 40k since the end of June, so I thought it was about time to bust out the Great Devourer to eat some faces.regardless of how small those faces are. On to the mega tournament.OF DOOM! When I signed up for the tournament it was billed as a mini tournament, 1700pts, 2 games with 12 spots available with the only prize going to the person who came in first overall.

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Here are a couple pics I took of the game they had set up. The single coolest thing set up there was a mega battle for Flames of War, which is a game I would totally get into if I knew I had friends in the area that played on a regular basis. It had tournaments for pretty much every boardgame you can think of from Catan, Agricola to rarer games that I have never even heard of. The reason I went in the first place is to attend the mini 40k Tournament that was being run, but after getting in the door I gotta say I wish I went for some of the other events (and next year will definitely be signing up for some of those). Every year it runs (and has been for about 20 now) and it is a giant convention for everything boardgames. Over the weekend I went to an event that I have never even heard of, and that is Fallcon.

Spore game rolling static